Flame slash
Deal 12 physical damage and add 6% to your crit chance.

Lash out
Deal 6 physical, 6 mental damage and add 6% to your crit chance.

Rage blast
Deals 42 mental damage. You lose 8% HP.

Ball of fury
Deal 10 mental damage with an additional 50% chance to crit.

Deal 24 mental damage and add 12% to your crit chance.

Burn out
Deal 34 physical and mental damage. You lose 14% HP.

Deal 27 physical damage twice.

Getting heated
Deal 24 physical damage and increase crit damage by 30%.

Thorn slash
Deal 12 physical damage. There's a 30% chance you gain an extra move point next round.

Flip out
Deal 7 physical, 7 mental damage, and increase your excitement (speed) by 30%.

Dread blast
Deals 18 mental damage, target loses 6% HP, and you gain 1 move point next round.

Panic ball
Deal 15 mental damage. There's a 15% your target gains a move point next round.

Gain 3 move point next round.

Gain 1 move point for the rest of battle.

Cabin fever
Deal 68 mental damage and increase your excitement (speed) by 100%.

Tree trunk smash
Deal 88 physical damage with a 10% chance to hit twice.

Ice slash
Deal 12 physical damage. Increase your confidence (physical attack) by 30% until the end of next round.

Flush out
Deal 7 physical, 7 mental damage, and reduce the target's concentration (physical defense) by 30% until the end of next round.

Mood blast
Deals 18 mental damage and increase your satisfaction (mental attack) by 40% until the end of next round.

Ball of despair
Deal 15 mental damage and reduce the target's serenity (mental defense) by 30%.

Deal 26 mental damage. The targets concentration (physical defense) and serenity (mental defense) is reduced by 40% for the next 2 rounds.

Increase confidence (physical attack) and satisfication (mental attack) by 200% until the end of next round.

Rip current
Deal 32 physical damage. Priority.

Cold shoulder
Deal 26 mental damage. The target's excitement (speed) is reduced by 50% for the next 2 rounds.

Sand slash
Deal 12 physical damage and heal 2% of your HP.

Hash out
Deal 6 physical, 6 mental damage, and heal 2% of your HP.

Power blast
Deals 14 mental damage, target loses 8% HP, and reduces all their stats by 10%.

Aura ball
Deal 10 mental damage. Buff all stats by 10%.

Deal 22 physical damage and increase healing by 50%.

Deal 44 physical damage and boost your confidence by 30%.

Boost all of your stats by 50%.

Use a random move your pet knows.

Deal 44 mental damage and heal 10% of your HP.

Iron slash
Deal 14 physical damage. Target loses concentration (physical defense) buff.

Tear out
Deal 8 physical and 8 mental damage. Target loses excitement (speed) buff.

Dark blast
Deal 18 mental damage. Target loses 12% HP. Target loses satisfaction (mental attack) buff.

Wrecking ball
Deal 14 mental damage. Target loses serenity (mental defense) buff.

Boost your concentration (physical defense) and serenity (mental defense) by 40%.

Deal 50 physical damage. Target loses confidence (physical attack) buff.

Heal 30% of your HP.

Deal 18 mental damage three times

Deal 18 mental damage twice. Target loses serenity (mental defense) and concentration (physical defense) buff.

Nerves of steel
Boost your serenity (mental defense) by 100% this round. Priority.

Defense mechanism
Boost your concentration (physical defense) by 100% this round. Priority.